A Bits of Unsolicited Advice
Posted September 23, 2021 by clannadzsy ‐ 4 min read
A Bits of Unsolicited Advice
Being enthusiastic is worth 25 IQ points.
学习如何从那些你不同意, 甚至冒犯你的人身上学习. 看看你是否能从他们的观点中找到真理
Being enthusiastic is worth 25 IQ points.
Always demand a deadline. A deadline weeds out the extraneous and the ordinary. It prevents you from trying to make it perfect, so you have to make it different. Different is better.
总是要求有一个最后期限, 一个最后期限可以剔除不相干和普通的东西. 它阻止你试图让它变得完美,所以你必须让它变得不同. 不同就是更好.
Don’t be afraid to ask a question that may sound stupid because 99% of the time everyone else is thinking of the same question and is too embarrassed to ask it.
不要害怕问一个听起来可能很愚蠢的问题, 因为 99% 的时候其他人都在想相同的问题, 但是却不好意思问
Being able to listen well is a superpower. While listening to someone you love keep asking them “Is there more?”, until there is no more.
善于倾听是一种超能力. 在倾听你所爱的人时, 不断的询问 “还有吗?” 直到没有.
A worthy goal for a year is to learn enough about a subject so that you can’t believe how ignorant you were a year earlier.
一年中有一个价值的目标是学习足够的知识, 这会使你无法相信一年前的你是多么的无知.
Gratitude will unlock all other virtues and is something you can get better at.
感恩会解锁其他美德, 这会使你变得更好
Treating a person to a meal never fails, and is so easy to do. It’s powerful with old friends and a great way to make new friends.
请人吃饭永远不会失败, 而且很容易做到. 这对老朋友来说很有帮助. 也是结交新朋友的好方法
Reading to your children regularly will bond you together and kick-start their imaginations.
定期与孩子一起读书会把你们联系在一起, 激发他们的想象力
Extraordinary claims should require extraordinary evidence to be believed.
Don’t be the smartest person in the room. Hangout with, and learn from, people smarter than yourself. Even better, find smart people who will disagree with you.
不要成为房间里最聪明的人. 与比自己更聪明的人交流并向他们学习. 甚至更好的是, 找到那些与你意见相左的人
Rule of 3 in conversation. To get to the real reason, ask a person to go deeper than what they just said. Then again, and once more. The third time’s answer is close to the truth.
谈话中的 3 条规则. 要想知道真正的原因, 请一个人比他们刚才说的更加深入, 然后一而再, 再而三. 就接近真相了.
Don’t be the best. Be the only.
不要做最好的, 要做唯一的
Promptness is a sign of respect.
The purpose of a habit is to remove that action from self-negotiation. You no longer expend energy deciding whether to do it. You just do it. Good habits can range from telling the truth, to flossing.
养成习惯的目的是从自我协商中消除这种行为. 你不在花费精力来决定是否做这件事情. 你只是做了它. 好的习惯可以从诚实到使用牙线
Optimize your generosity. No one on their deathbed has ever regretted giving too much away.
不要吝啬你的慷慨, 没有人会在临终前觉得自己付出太多
To make something good, just do it. To make something great, just re-do it, re-do it, re-do it. The secret to making fine things is in remaking them.
要做好事, 就去做. 要想做出伟大的东西, 只要重做, 重做, 重做. 创造美好的事物的秘诀在于不断重试
To make mistakes is human. To own your mistakes is divine. Nothing elevates a person higher than quickly admitting and taking personal responsibility for the mistakes you make and then fixing them fairly. If you mess up, fess up. It’s astounding how powerful this ownership is.
犯错误是人之常情. 拥有自己的错误是神圣的. 没有什么比迅速承认并且为你所犯的错误承担责任. 然后公平的纠正它们更能提升一个人的地位. 如果你搞砸了, 坦白承认吧, 这种所有权的力量是令人震惊的.
Separate the processes of creation from improving. You can’t write and edit, or sculpt and polish, or make and analyze at the same time. If you do, the editor stops the creator. While you invent, don’t select. While you sketch, don’t inspect. While you write the first draft, don’t reflect. At the start, the creator mind must be unleashed from judgment.
将创作和改进的过程分开. 你不能同时进行写作和编辑, 雕刻或抛光, 制作与分析. 如果你这样做, 编辑会妨碍你的创作. 当你发明时, 不要选择. 当你画草图时, 不要检查. 当你写第一稿时, 不要反思. 在开始时, 创作者的头脑必须从判断中解放出来.
If you are not falling down occasionally, you are just coasting.
如果你没有偶尔摔倒, 你就是在滑行
Perhaps the most counter-intuitive truth of the universe is that the more you give to others, the more you’ll get. Understanding this is the beginning of wisdom.
也许宇宙中最反直觉的真理是, 你给别人的越多, 你得到的就越多. 明摆这一点是智慧的开始
Be prepared: When you are 90% done any large project (a house, a film, an event, an app) the rest of the myriad details will take a second 90% to complete.
做好准备. 当你完成任何大型项目(房子, 电影, 活动, 应用程序) 的 90% 的时候, 剩余无数的细节将需要第二个 90% 来完成
Anything real begins with the fiction of what could be. Imagination is therefore the most potent force in the universe, and a skill you can get better at. It’s the one skill in life that benefits from ignoring what everyone else knows.
任何真实的东西都始于对可能事情的虚构. 因此, 想象力是宇宙中最强大的力量, 也是一种你可以变得更好的技能. 它是生活中一种技能, 可以从其他人忽略的事情中收益
When crisis and disaster strike, don’t waste them. No problems, no progress.
当危机和灾难来临时, 不要浪费它们. 没有问题, 就没有进步
Eliminating clutter makes room for your true treasures.
消除杂乱无章的东西, 为你真正的宝藏提供空间.
A vacation + a disaster = an adventure.
一个假期 + 一个灾难 = 一次冒险
Following your bliss is a recipe for paralysis if you don’t know what you are passionate about. A better motto for most youth is “master something, anything”. Through mastery of one thing, you can drift towards extensions of that mastery that bring you more joy, and eventually discover where your bliss is.
如果你不知道自己对什么有热情, 跟着自己兴趣走是一种好的方法. 对大多数年轻人来说, 一个好的座右铭是 “掌握一些东西, 任何东西”, 通过对一件事的掌握,你可以朝着能给你带来更多快乐的掌握的延伸方向发展,并最终发现你的幸福在哪里。